The Importance of Vision
Good organizations create a vision, articulate it, passionately own it, and then empower each other to relentlessly drive it to completion. [...]
Good organizations create a vision, articulate it, passionately own it, and then empower each other to relentlessly drive it to completion. [...]
Author Gretchin Rubin is working on her next book, Better Than Before, which is all about change. How do [...]
When dealing with a lot of change - both personal and professional - make sure you work toward building your [...]
Carl Honore, author of The Slow Fix, starts with the premise that there might be something to the idea of [...]
In a leadership development workshop last week, it seemed like all 50 leaders laughed out loud at this cartoon. Their [...]
What kills more people? Lung cancer or traffic accidents? If you look at the local paper, a typical newspaper has 42 articles [...]
It always amazes me when working with a leader and he doesn't know what "good" looks like. How can you [...]
A few years ago ChangeFirst surveyed 200 change agents and found a 25% gap between how change agents rated the importance [...]
I’ve been reading “How to Make Someone Like You in 90 Seconds or Less”, and while I don’t necessarily recommend [...]
In preparing for a client meeting, I ran across Crucial Conversations and wanted to share their model again. A crucial [...]